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At Kingshoath we try to support the environment.  The cottage has Photo Voltaic Solar panels installed that generate the house total annual electricity needs.   We are in the process into adapting to also cater for all the hot water needs.

We collect rain water for watering the garden in turn eliminating out need to use running tap water.

We recycle waste.  At the cottage there are bins to collect paper, glass and plastics.  Guests are ask to place in these boxes as you do at home.  The contents are then recycled.

Low voltage lighting is used although we still have some appliances to change over.

Towels are provided but we recognise that sometimes not all the towels get used.  Therefore, we operate a policy where we ask guests to place used towels in the bath at end of stay where they will be washed.  If towels are completely unused place in chairs in rooms.

Central heating is fully controllable and also is on a time clock.  In addition, we have remote control of the system to allow us to turn on before your stay.  This ensures the heating is not running wastefully.

Grass and other natural vegetation from the garden is taken to the recycling centre for composting.

©2001-24 Kinghoath

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